For those who decide to stay at Hotel Maiuri Pompei we are pleased to offer in combination with one or more overnight stay, trips to the popular destinations of Campania truly advantageous rates. Our hotel, in fact, chose to don’t seek fees and therefore does not raise the price for any excursion.
Excursions are the following:
- Pompeii;
- Friendly pompeii;
- Pompeii bike;
- Herculaneum;
- Pompeii/Herculaneum;
- Pompeii/Vesuvius;
- Pompeii/Naples;
- Pompeii/Amalfi Coast;
- Vesuvius;
- Paestum;
- Sorrento;
- Naples by light;
- Naples by night;
- Naples (National archaeological museum);
- Naples (Capodimonte Museum);
- Naples (palazzo reale);
- Naples full day;
- Pozzuoli – Campi flegrei;
- Caserta (palazzo reale);
- Amalfi Coast;
- Capri;
- Ischia;
- Paestum/Velia/Parco nazionale del cilento.
Choose the tour that you prefer, book a room and we will provide to organize the excursion for you!
We provide the best available rate.